PUERTO RICO - Vieques, Puerto Rico - 2014 - House Sitting - Chapter 7 - Same Island, Different House

My final night at the Esperanza Inn was again uneventful.  Carol picked me up around 1030 hours and after dropping her off at the airport my next assignment has begun.


Her house is also in the Monte Carmelo area of the island, in fact about 500 yards from Chris and Elizabeths.  The difference being Carol is on the east side of the ridge Chris and Elizabeth are almost on top.  So, you can guess where I'll be catching a few more sunsets while I'm here; a simple 500 yard walk.

 While the first house/pet sitting assignment involved two dogs, this assignment has 3 dogs, 11 cats, and about 35 chickens.  Two of the three dogs, Daisy and Shashe, spend most of the time outside while Mutshe likes lying around inside.  All the cats are outside cats and of course, the chickens have their own house.  The flock of chickens includes a broad of hens, and two clutches of chicks.  I don't remember the names of the cats, and like cats coming to "kitty, kitty" all the chickens at least hear "chick, chick"; chickens responding is another story.


Mutshe and Shashe

Damnedest sleeping position I've ever seen (Mutshe)
Some of the chicks relaxing with the cats
All the animals are carefree and easy to control.  The only time I see the cats is at feeding time and the chickens are came be found at feeding time and when I let them in and out of the coup.  The dogs on the other hand stay by my side, without begging for food or attention.

With a couple of roosters in the flock, awaking to the sounds of nature are louder here, but it is still a great way to begin the day...
The coop
One of the roosters
A new day brought a concern to my little piece of paradise.  Either a "Broad Winged or Red Tailed Hawk"; not sure which one but I didn't notice a red tail.  Either one, it was circling the back yard where nine baby chicks were free ranging and the chicken coop is located.

In a conversation Carol and I had before she departed, she was thinking of relocating the chicks to the coop.  It may happen before she gets back; but I'll have to check with her first. 

Anticipating the relocation soon, I built a sleeping perch inside the coop.  Right now all the chicks are used to sleeping on a single perch, I figure it would be best for them to continue their current sleeping arrangement; more to come I'm sure.

Other than taking care of the chick situation, I gave the dogs a bath.  Then I caught up on some reading, talked to family, and just lounged around; hell, it was "Fathers Day."

Last night I visited Chris and Elizabeth for the sunset ritual.  As I walked in the gate Susie and Lulu greeted me with wagging tails; I think they remember me.

We made our way to the third level patio to watch the sun makes its way behind the mountains of Puerto Rico; it wasn't going to happen.  The sky was unusually hazy from sand being blown over from Africa, shielding the sun, thus no colorful sky surrounding the bright yellow orange ball we call the sun.  Well, that simply left more time for drinking and chatting; everything has a purpose.

Streetlights on, time for me to walk home. 

Until next time

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